As we witness today the continuous violation of the Earth and its resources in every possible segment, and as there are no satisfactory alternatives to the principle of exploitation (which could guarantee both the civilisation achievements and life quality), biodynamic agriculture stands out as the only possible and sustainable solution of the coexistence with the planet Earth and the existence of mankind, not only in the material sense, but also in the metaphysical way, the one that every individual secretly aspires to.
Biodynamic agriculture is the recognised approach to the agriculture, based on the principles introduced by Rudolf Steiner. It teaches us that the farm is a wholful organism, in which there is an energy flow and a strong interdependence of different segments: soil, plants, animals and men. In this kind of an organism, a man is an image of the universe itself.
Therefore, the holistic approach to the nature and the understanding of life itself is the main paradigm in biodynamic agriculture, with the aim of creating the sustainable organism (a farm). The knowledge of agriculture and livestock breeding, or the experience of working in agricultural sector alone, are not enough for achieving the goal. Biodynamical agriculture considers achieving the positive ecological harmony for every individual location, in the context of strong and yet often neglected, cosmic influences on the Earth. Hence, these are the principles esteemed and carried out in biodynamic agriculture:
Revitalisation of soil without chemicals or fertilizers
Biodiversity in opposition to monocultures
The usage of biodynamical products
Free livestock breeding and taking care of animals on the loose
Control of plant and animal diseases by natural approaches
Health and quality of the soil, plants and animals prior to economical parameters
Man’s responsibility for the functioning of the farm, success and quality of everything on a biodynamic estate
Using the knowledge of the Moon and Cosmic Calendar for the purpose of planting, grafting and maintenance of plantations
The usual criticism towards this kind of sustainable way of farming points out the price of the process and the product, in relation to the price of conventionally produced food. This is, however, the superficial comparison. That kind of calculation does not include the expense of the energy resources spent in the process of conventional production, which harms the environment greatly. The chemical industry (production of fertilisers, pesticides and herbicides), sea, land and air transport, intensive animal breeding etc. should also be considered. Most of the processes in biodynamic production are exceptionally efficient in ensuring the fertility of soil, as well as the control of diseases and incomes. In addition, they respect the Earth’s resources and ecological balance completely.