The platform of informative, expert and scientific articles appeared as a result of a common wish to support quality dialog and co-operation between members of SWI and organisations and institutions that promote Waldorf education in Croatia, as well as co-operation of the mentioned institutions with the society and individuals that understand the importance of present challenges. This page is intended for those who take part in the process of schooling and lifelong education, as well as those who work on improving the quality of their life and the life of their community.

On this website we offer the overview of different articles concerning scientific foundation and practical experience of Waldorf education and Antrophosophy, the integration of Waldorf elements in common life situations, as well as those about holistic dimensions of the development of a child. We hope these information will succeed in inspiring and stimulating readers in making their own investigations and presentatinos for the purpose of Waldorf education advancement and personal development, as preconditions for the social improvements.

You can make your contribution by translating the texts to Croatian language and sharing the information, as well. Send us your contact details, with the subject „For the platform of informative, expert and scientific articles “at