Dear friends and associates, dear guests,
In 2017 SWI is going to participate in two major initiatives. Through those initiatives we want to make the contribution to the developing awareness of changes needed in the society, throughout the two segments that we find crucial for transition to self-sustained and responsible social environment.
One project leans to global world initiative Waldorf 100, whose aim is to point out the alternative method of education – the one which supports the development of responsible, self-conscious, wholeful individuals, as the basis for the healthy society.
The other project presents the platform which continuously publishes scientific, expert and infomative articles on the subject of Waldorf education, Anthrophosophy and all akin domains, as well as recent scientific and expert accomplishments in the field of education, schooling, protection and development of children and youth.
Therefore we invite you to browse through the information which we bring to out web site and to join us in activities with your own ideas and initiatives. We hope to make the contribution together to the changes in society, towards the holistic understanding of the world and life-wisdom.